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Needle Nose Fish

23 16:55:12

i read you answer about feeders and would like to as you more about it.  here's my question, I have to needle nose fish that are about 5inches long.  they used to be very active and willing to eat the rosy reds that i fed them, but as of late they are not so willing.  I don't know why? I fear they will die if they don't eat?  i tried feeder guppies but the are too expensive.  to maintain feeding on guppies.  Do you have any ideas as to why they changed or how i can change them back.  

Hi Lee;

Check the water chemistry and water quality. Fish that are usually good eaters can be reacting to water trouble. Make a 25% water change and have the tank water tested. They are nervous fellas too so be sure something or someone hasn't been startling them. They also don't like changes. Has anything changed in their room? Extra noise lately? Look for spots or abnormalities that indicate parasite infection or disease too.

Needles also like a little salt in their water. Here is a good page about them;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins