Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Stinky Tank/No Fish!!

Stinky Tank/No Fish!!

25 9:14:42

Thank you so much!! My daughter will appreicate it. Should I let the tank cycle for 24-48hrs before adding fish just as I did with the tap water once I change the tank over to the bottle water and purchase the friendly bacteria? By the way I have a beta in a 3.5 gal tank the ammonia levels seem to be ok but I am very nerveous. How do I change his water to the bottle water without putting him into shock? Once again thanks so much I was feeling really lost.

Followup To  

Hi again, The Cycle will tell you on the label how long to let it sit. I think you can use it right away, or within a couple hours.
If the beta ain't broke, don't fix it. Just use bottled water whenever you do a water change. My web page expalains how to change the water. Main thing is to only change 10 - 20 percent and keep the temperature steady. It's easier in the summer when most climates you don't need a heater. If the tank is room temperature and the bottled water is the same temperature, no problem.
Usually, winter is when you have to worry about water temperature.
Write back if you want to discuss further down the line.