Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > fungus over eyes/ something white

fungus over eyes/ something white

23 16:11:32

I have two oscars and had them since 2002 they are about 14 inches and one has something covering over the eye which is like a clear film hanging off but it was thick until I put some tank buddies in there , but now it is coming on the other eye . It was my bf's tank and he is no longer here so I dont know how to keep it up and I havent been changing the water , could this be a factor for why my oscar is developing some kind of fungus on the eye

There is a disease called cloudy eye... It is very treatable.  I would suggest GENERAL CURE as a medication or any of the other over the fishcounter meds that list cloudy on its label.  I would also boost their diets and make sure they are getting something like brine shrimp or tubi flex worms... I am not a fan of feeder fish many are not taken care of and can carry disease.  Their water needs to be changed and they need to be in an environment where they are cared for.  You will have to clean the gravel with a gravel vacuum and change at least 20 percent of the water weekly.  Make sure you use a water conditioner to remove the chlorine.   If you need specific instructions let me know.  Let me know also what kind of equipment you have on hand... dave