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Betta swollen abdomen

23 15:55:13

Hello, I had a male who sadly died of fin rot even tho I used Melafix as suggested by other betta keepers. Before he got this, I bought him a girlfriend on the 14th April. Since he died, she developed what I believed was white spot. My local tropical fish dealer sold me King British WS3 White Spot Terminator so I stopped using the combination of Melafix and Pimafix and used the WS3. Her abdomen is now seriously swollen and although she seems happy in herself, is eating normally etc, she has been treated with the WS3 since 22nd May. She is in an 8.5 litre bowl with the heater at 32. I think if it was white spot, it would have gone by now, am I right? Also, her abdomen has swollen within the last few days and I am very worried.

Thanking you in advance.

Best wishes,

Hi Susan,

Are her scales sticking out? If so, it is dropsy, a condition caused by bacteria. I'd recommend that you change 20% of the water daily, until the problem resolves. You can also keep treating with MelaFix for one more week, with no side effects (since it's a natural remedy).

If she is swimming fine, feeding actively, and has natural coloration, while not hiding all the time, she may be perfectly healthy, and simply well-fed. In this case, there's nothing to worry about. Just do the water changes as suggested, until the problem clears up.

Your temperature is a bit too high. Bettas, like all tropical fish, prefer a temperature of about 78F or 26C. 32 is a bit too high.

If you could attach a picture, that would be great. Just post a follow-up question. With a picture, I can diagnose the problem much easier.

I hope your fish recovers! Good Luck, and Happy Fishkeeping!