Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Columnaris?


23 15:27:20

Hi, recently, I got a female guppy from petsmart. The next day after I got it, it's scales close to it's tail are sort of raised and it's white compared to it's very light blue body.
After I read a lot of diseases, I came down to columnaris.
I'm very scared of my guppy dying..
It is currently pregnant and I don't want the babies to die with her. :/
I heard that if I mix maracyn and maracyn 2 together, it can cure it and aquarium salt will make it feel better. Is it true? Oh, and it is eating and still swimming fine.


Just make sure that the fish has Columnaris before you treat it with any medication. Since she is pregnant I would just work with the salt right now. Also, some fish just look different from others and does not mean it is sick. Is there any way you can upload a photo of the fish for me so that we can make sure it is sick? I will wait for the photo.