Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Albino Frogs

Albino Frogs

23 15:57:50

QUESTION: Hello, I have a few questions about albino frogs. I recently bought an albino frogs and I placed it in a 10 gallon tank with a goldfish. The only problem is that the fish had ick (ich) and it died the next day. I have been putting medicine in the tank (quick cure) and there are still white spots on the glass. I removed the fish and did a 50% water change the day before it dyed. The question I have is: Do albino frogs get ick? Do they get sick if there is ick already in the tank? Can they tolerate the ick medication? Thank you very much!!

ANSWER: Hi Alex,

Most Albino frogs can withstand common aquarium medications, like normal frogs. Sometimes, the active ingredients in some medications will stress the frogs, but it's nothing serious as long as you use the medication for the suggested length of time on the bottle/container. My frogs have all withstood the medications I've used in my tanks. If the medication will affect some aquatic organisms, like frogs or snails, then it will say on the label of the medication. Responsible companies will always announce this. If it doesn't say on the label, chances are, it's safe for frogs.

Good Luck, and Happy Fishkeeping!

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QUESTION: can albino frogs get ick? is it ok to feed them floating pellets or goldfish flakes?

ANSWER: Albino frogs can't get Ich. Ich affects fish only, at least to my knowledge. Albino frogs will eat most foods, even tropical fish flakes. However, feeding some live or frozen foods once in a while is very beneficial to their health. They love eating bloodworms. In many cases, however, they won't accept goldfish flakes.

Good Luck, and Happy Fishkeeping!

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QUESTION: hello, I've been looking for a new fish and I think I am going to get a warm water fish. I was just wondering: can albino frogs live in warm water with tropical fish? I was also going to put a heater in my 10 gallon tank. thank you very much for all your help!

Hi Alex,

Yes, Albino Frogs can live in tropical waters 72-80F. Most Albino Frog varieties found at pet stores are albino versions of the African Dwarf Frog, which is tropical.

Remember to raise the temperature slowly, when you're adding the new heater. One or two degrees per hour will help slowly introduce the frog into their new temperature range, without stressing them.

Good Luck, and Happy Fishkeeping! (or frogkeeping, in your case)