Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Goldfish has 1 white blister/bump

Goldfish has 1 white blister/bump

23 15:54:58


Any idea what this might be. Thanks

Hi Randy, thank you for the photo!

I have seen blisters/bumps like these on goldfish many times before. Its a very hard thing to diagnose without being able to have a fish vet take a sample of it and determine the pathogen under a microscope. Most experienced goldfish keepers agree that this condition is usually viral in nature to where of course there is no treatment... just make sure the goldfish is living in clean healthy water conditions and is getting a varied quality diet. Sometimes the blisters like this might erupt and drain themselves. Or they may stick around for a long time and grow larger or simply disappear all together. The nature of these mysterious bumps is never consistent.

Despite the worrying blister, your goldfish looks quite well and in good condition and I do hope he is behaving like a normal vibrant goldfish should.

Its very possible the lump may be a tumor, cyst, bacterial infection, or injury as well. The best thing to do is keep a close watch on it. You'd be the best to determine if the goldfish should go through an antibiotic treatment since you could observe if the goldfish obviously behaves sickly or develops more red irritated marks on his skin or fins.

I hope all goes well!