Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Sick Black Mollie

Sick Black Mollie

23 16:44:28

QUESTION: About 5 days ago we noticed that our black mollie has popeye, but no other noticable symptoms until today.  She now has some discoloration around her gills (the edges have turned silver)and a very small slightly "fuzzy" looking white spot near the base of her tail (towards the bottom).  She is not "scratching" or acting any different- appetite if fine.  All other fish are fine.

ANSWER: It sounds like your fish has pop-eye and fungus. I would use maracyn-2 and fungus clear and aquarium salt will help the gill probelm or you could just leave it alone.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Any idea as to what kind of fungus it may be.  We currently use aquarium salt.  Do I treat all the fish? Or quarantine the black mollie.  You said "or you could just leave it alone".  Will she just die if I do that?  Will it spread to the other fish?

Ok if you just cure the sick fish it would be easier on all the others. When i said "or just leave it alone" I ment the gill problem sorry for not making myself clear. Yes it will spread to the other fish if left untreated i would just cure the whole tank just to be sure the disease is gone. Their really isn't a certain type of fungus their is just one name and that is fungus.

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