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Goldfish and Swim Bladder

23 15:55:03

My Goldfish seems to be floating around and is staying at the top. He has problems trying to reach food that has sunken down to the bottom. Otherwise, his colors look OK, but I am very concerned. If you could help me, that would be great. Thanks!

Hi James,

Your Goldfish, does, in fact, have Swim Bladder disease. Swim Bladder disease is caused often by a bacterial infection, and treating with an anti-bacterial medication such as Mardel's Maracyn is needed. Perform a 30% water change right now, and feed a fresh or defrosted pea FIRST. The pea often helps with Swim Bladder, and in some cases, fully cures it without needing a medication.

Feed a pea in the morning and evening, and if the problem has still not improved within 2 days, using an anti-bacterial medication will be needed. Change another 30% of the water and remove any carbon from the filter before using any medication.

Good Luck, and I hope your fish recovers!