Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > guppie fry

guppie fry

23 16:44:23

hi, I'm Amie. I'm 11 years old and have recently set up a community
<heres a brief idea of my aquarium> it was all my idea and my mum and dad said
that it was my job to maintain, clean, feed and generally look after. i bought
my tank about 2 months ago and my water levels were worrying high after set-up,
but after a month of water changes and chemical alterations it was all safe. i
started with 2 mini mouse platys (they're great!!!) and then 2 guppies (1 has
died of  NTS =[) then 2 golden sucking loaches. now I've got quite a few more other varieties(gouramis, etc)
<now then... my problem> this morning i realized my female guppy was really fat- and had a gravid spot that was almost black!!- I've bought all the
gear and put her into a netted breeder and she has had some food. i was wondering if she doesn't have her first few babys in the next week or so should i take her out or keep her in until she gives birth? and also if she does have the how will i no when to take her out/ finished her pregnancy?
RSVP Please!!!!
from Amie
PS here is some info on my tank:
i have 3 pieces of bogwood,
7 fake plants,
2cm(min)-5cm(max)of medium gravel,
50x25x30 cm approx,
8.2 UK gallons capacity.

Hey Amie,

Sorry it took so long to reply, i've been having issues with school and work lately. I work at a petstore here in California called Petco (I dont know if you have them near you).

You should only keep mommy in the net for a few days at a time. if she doesnt have them in those couple of days, take her out for a couple. If she doesnt have them in the net, dont worry. Sure, most of them will get eaten, but she'll have more again later.

It sounds like you've been doing your homework and keep track of things well, so i wont give you a whole long list of things to do...

Good luck!