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Cichlids eating bubbles?

23 15:35:33

Hi Richard,
I have two oscars that are 7 inches and 6.5 inches and they occasionally seem to attack the water surface making a very loud clapping sound as they close their mouths in the process. I also have a severum (barely over an inch long) in a ten gallon (until he gets to about 4-5 inches before I move him into an aquarium with my Jack Dempsey, green terror, and jewel cichlid) that does the same thing. Is this normal behavior for these fish? I don't mind the noise as long as there's nothing wrong with the fish but the oscars do wake me up at night occasionally since my 75 gallon is just a few feet from my bed.
Thank you for your time and advice.

Hi Ryan

It's actually quite normal for them to attack the surface chasing food or perhaps something they think is food. Two of my Tiger Oscars know when I am coming to the tank to feed them and they actually leap across the surface causing such a splash that they get the wall behind the tank wet on occasion. However, they are usually quiet at night. Do you keep the tank lights off at night? If not, you need to turn the lights off at night, I turn my lights off around 8pm.

If you do turn the lights off at night, it still doesn't mean anything is wrong with them. What I've noticed about South American Cichlids over the years and why I love them so much is that each one has it's own personality. Very seldom will you find two alike. So if they look healthy, your water parameters are all good, and they are swimming and eating normally, I wouldn't worry about them.

On another note...your Severum will not reach 4-5 inches in a 10 gallon. In fact, it is unlikely that he will grow very much at all in a 10 gallon. Cichlids need lots of room and will not outgrow the room that they have. I would consider moving him to a larger tank, or you may stunt his growth.

Hope this helps, good luck!
