Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > ph 8.2

ph 8.2

23 16:43:02

hi jamie

for the past one month i have been trying to see the groath of my planted tank.but all the plants i planted are dying after 1 week or so...
i just measured my fresh water tank ph, its 8.2
my tap water ph is 7. i use Nisso electronic co2 generator during daytime
i use water conditioner and water stabilizer before i add tap water to the tank (to remove chlorine and chloramine)

tank size is 2.5ft x 1.5ft x 1ft
and the tank mates are 6 barbs, 6 rummy nose tetras, 6 zebra danios, 2 flying fox
ammonia and nitrites are "0"
pls help.....
how to bring the ph to a safe level and how to maintain this level consistently...  


8.2 is a perfectly acceptable ph.  My own tanks are at a ph of 8.2, and they are supporting fragile south american fish and live plants.  What is the lighting on your tank?  How many watts per gallon of light do you have?  What kind of light bulb? There are specially designed bulbs for plants.  Do you test your tap water right out of the tap, or let it sit for awhile?  The reason the tap water may be so low is that water systems add CO2 to the water and after the CO2 diffuses, the pH returns to normal.  Do not do anything to lower your pH as that will harm your tank more. The only thing you could do is either add driftwood (may take you to 8.1) or filter through peat...Those are my only suggestions to you.