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My Blackmoor Goldfish Help!!

25 9:14:40

hello, i have a blackmoor goldfish who I think has fungus on his tail he has been on melafix for over a week in the past has worked , and it help clear it up just a little bit. the fungus is at the base of his tail right off of his body, its like a hazy white and it looks like it ate some of his tail and their is a little clear bubble on it kinda looks like a water blister.. he is eating and swiming like normal what medicine should i buy for him and how can i stop this from happening again p.s it started when I put him in a new tank he is the only fish in the tank..thank you please reply

Hi Mya;

Make a water change and get a medicine for fungal infections. You can still use the Melafix for help in healing damaged tissue but it can't heal an established infection. Fungus Eliminator is a good one to use.

Since he is in a new tank, his skin may be irritated from "New Tank Syndrome". Here is a link to my article about it;

I hope he feels better soon.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins