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fish disease?

23 15:37:10


Fish tail
I have a 20 gallon tank that I've had for quite a while. In the tank i have 3 glo fish and a striped Raphael catfish. I had 2 pink glofish and then one recently died from old age. I felt the other pink glofish was lonely since they're schooling fish and that was when i got 2 new ones (another pink and one yellow). they were all getting along fine until i noticed my older pink one had pieces of his tail missing. I isolated him into a smaller tank that i had and he has a heater and an air stone to add bubbles. He is having trouble swimming but is still eating and going to the bathroom. Many times i have walked into my room and he seems dead floating at the top, but then i walk over and he begins to move again and swim. I'm unsure if this is a result from fin rot or could this be he was more vulnerable to the other fish and they nipped his tail away since hes older and alittle more sluggish. I've attached a picture hopefully it is clear enough to see his tail. Thanks!

Glofish are a geneticly altered danio, I believe they took a gene from a jellyfish and spliced it into the danio to give it its "glo".
That said, the same care for zebra danios is in order for the glo fish.
I don;t think its tail rot at this point as there is part of the tail left, plus the rest of the fins are ok.
He could have a swim bladder disease causing him to float to the top.
If so, not much you can do.
You may add in some Stress Coat or similar to assist in the repair of the fins.
A small amount of non-iodized salt into the tank, tsp per gal then annother tsp per gal in a couple of days.
Keep the temp around 80 or so and watch and see how it goes.
If he recovers, place him back in the main tank.
Good Luck