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Anacharis Growth/Oddness

23 16:03:21

Hi there. I have a question on the growth pattern of the bunched plants called anacharis (I think that's how you spell it) or also known as elodea. When I bought these (numerous times) it seemed like the original stalks didn't grow. But they did grow little branches, and these little branches grew to be really tall branches, and they looked really different from the original stalk, skinnier and a brighter green. I would pinch/pluck off the now very tall branches and plant them into the substrate, but after that point, they stopped growing. Eventually the original stalks began to brown slightly, and their leaves fell off.
My tank water has a pH of 6.5, give or take one point up or down at a certain point, the fish I have in it are six swordtails (five females, one male) and five angels ranging from 5 inches in diameter to 7.
My tank is around eighty gallons, and the other plants in the tank are mischelaneously placed water sprite, a few Amazon swords (four inches), and an evergrowing supply of java fern. The temperature is usually around 78-80 degrees, and my substrate is small bits of rock. I have an undergravel filter plus a powerhead.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

Hi Alex;

I have had the same problem with anacharis too. I'm not a plant expert but I'll tell you what helped mine and you can take it from there. Anacharis is a cold water plant. In higher temps it tends to die off. It is also sensitive to copper, formaldehyde, and other metals and chemicals found in medications. Consider what you may have used in the tank and look at the labels. You can even do some research on them to see what the ingredients are. Here is a web site to help you get started if you need it. It has a list of products by manufacturer and what's in them;

Anacharis and many other aquariums plants also require more light than our typical average aquarium hoods can provide. Anacharis really needs actual sunlight to be as it was when you first purchased it. It often won't grow very well down deep in the tank because it's too shaded and dim there. It is harvested from outdoor ponds and lakes by cutting only the very tops off. That's why they look so nice when they come in. In an 80 gallon tank it may be too deep to allow good growth of anacharis from the gravel area. You might try adding more light or different bulbs in the hood. Check with your local fish store and see what they have that will help plants grow. You can even anchor them in a pot that is placed on top of a rock to bring them higher up closer to the lighting. I've done that and it seems to help in taller tanks. Avoid grouping them too closely so that the each sprig of the plant gets good light. Anacharis roots very readily from anywhere along the stem when it likes the water conditions, temperature and light level.

Water hardness may be an issue as well. I've noticed that anacharis tends to die off and get brown in softer water with a lower pH. Check the pH of your tank and then tap water. If the tap tends to be harder than what's in the tank, just make more frequent water changes to get it up a little higher. All tanks should have a 25% water change every week anyway. Your angels will do just fine. All fish will adapt and even breed in whatever water chemistry your tank tends to be, as long as any changes come slowly.

Hopefully your anacharis will look a little better as time goes by with use of my suggestions. Again, I'm no expert on plants but these ideas have worked for me over the years. Good luck!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins