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Angel fish fungus

23 16:14:33

Upon returning from vacation I noticed a small wound on one of my 3 angel fish.  Within days fungus started growing on the wound. It looked like torn skin projecting from the wound. I checked my water parameters-all was fine, with the exception of very high nitrate, but this tank usually runs high.  Temperature is 74 degrees. I did a 40% water change, removed charcoal from the Fluval filter and began treating with Maracyn Two.  I am now in the 6th day of treatment.  The fungus is still growing, and no improvement!  The fungus is stringy like thin skin tissue in appearance.  It now projects 1/2 inch from the fish wound, which is about 3/16ths inch in diameter. I have a tank devider in the tank so as to separate the fish from any squabbles. My tank has been established for 4  years and I have had the fish for a year with no problems. Any suggestions?

Hi Sharon,
The best treatment I've ever done for fungus is to use Jungle Brand's "Fungus Clear" and follow this treatment method

*Change 50% of the water everyday (gravel vacuum too)
*Re-dose medication after each water change
*Treat until all signs of fungus disappear.

This is against the medication directions but I have had no harmful effects from it and its worked for bettas and Angelfish too!

I hope this helps!