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platy fungus

23 16:27:48

My poor platy has white cottony growth on its tail and side fins. I have been treating it with Pimafix. An antifungal disease treatment. The brand it API. I removed the carbon filter and I am giving the platy the proper treatment that is on the back of the bottle. I have been treating the fish for 2 weeks now and it hasn't improved. In fact, the fish has a white cottony patch on the side of the body that already has the fin damage. Do you think maybe this isn't fungus? I am very nervous. If it is fungus, it there any fungus treatment you recommend? I would love any info at all. I am so glad that I found your website because my parents and brothers have no clue about this disease. Thanks again.

It sounds to me like your fish has columnaris and it has to be treated with specific medications. It's not real good to treat a fish without knowing what it is. Please read the following article and follow the instructions contained therein:

One of the biggest causes of illness is not having a good tank cleaning maintenance schedule. You must clean it every week to week and a half to have the best results:

Good luck! ;o)