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angelfish tank compatibility

23 16:05:32

Hi, I have an empty fish tank. Its water dimension is 120W x 53H x 60D cm with plants and decorations (approx. 80gallons). I would like to add 6 angelfish, 6 glass catfish, 1 pleco and 1 black ghost knife fish. Is there any other tank mates that you can recommend me to add? Thanks.

Hi JC,
While its up to you ultimately, I can  give you suggestions of course!

You already have a nice combination of fish I like really well. It might be good to add another group or two of schooling fish. Such as larger tetra species for example, Silver Dollars, Black skirts, head and tail-light tetras, Lemon Tetras, white tip tetras, bleeding hearts, ect...

Larger barbs do well with angels too. Just avoid Tiger barbs, which are well known for their nipping tendencies. Rosy barbs seem to do wonderful on the other hand. Swordtails also make good tankmates for angels as well.

Just some thoughts there.

I hope this helps!