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angel and parrotfish

23 16:05:31

I have a 55 gallon tank. I have 2 angelfish, five guppies 2 parrot,2 kissing gouramis, 2 blue gouramis,4 tiger barbs 1 large pleco, 1 catfish, and 1 striped fish.

there were all put together within 2 weeks of each other.
I've had the water checked. it is fine but my angel fish will not eat. the other angelfish is eating well but the one goes for the food but won't eat it. He used to pair up with the other angelfish now he stays alone. He goes to the top of the tank but not alot. He seems frightened.
How can I tell if he is sick or bullied. also my one parrot fish chases the other parrot fish to the back of the tank every time he sees it coming out.
thanks for your time. esther

It looks like you have some bullying going on between your tank mates. Put rocks in the tank with some plants. Build up little areas they can call their own. Parrot fish which are cichlids, as well as angelfish, like having their own territories. If they do not feel safe they will display aggressive behavior toward the others.