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breeding bettas

23 15:34:03

QUESTION: i am currently trying to breed bettas i no every thing about how many babies they have how to raise then and the expense so no need to explain but i have a question about my bettas i have 4 females and 3 males only one is ready others too old or too young but i had a female that is ready to mate but i tried with a female found out she is not ready so i switched and ruined the bubble nest will he remake it or not cause i really want to breed them and tried several times with no success but i have the right female and male now but i think the male is a little inexperienced please help
thank you


Sometimes if the tank isn't right, the fish will not breed. Can you tell me your tank set up? The easiest way to do this for me is just go down the list and tell me everything about the tank. As soon as you get back to me I can help you out. Looking forward to hearing from you.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: its a bare bottom tank sumbersable heater in corner hurricane glass with female in it male free romeing hlaf styrofoam cup in the other corner water level half way of 10 gallon tank i also read online tannins help induce spawning so i put a little of black tea in it then changed half of water i also got a new female cause the other female was not interested but this female vertical stripes but he had a bubble nest but i axidentally ruined it he seems inexperienced though and slow at making his nest but in three day it covered the inside of styrofoam cup is this normal thank you


 The first thing is the water level is too high. The fry have to be able to get to the top to breathe and if the water level is too high they will not make it. 4 to 5 inches is the maximum where I leave only 4. There is no point in having the black tea in the water. This does nothing to induce spawning. This just adds things to the water that does not need to be in it. As for a female to not be interested, this might not be the case. As you already know spawning can take a week to happen about 1 week after you place the female tank next to the spawning tank. It is not a given that any male or female will spawn. Make sure she is not in the hurricane cover for a long period of time. She is in very little water and it will contaminate very quickly. That is  why us breeders say to place her tank next to the breeding tank for a few a week before you put her in the tank with the male. It is very important that the breeding tank is perfect before you add the fish. If the tank water temp is not right spawning might not happen. If they do spawn and the water is not a perfect temp and the fry hatch, NONE will survive. Most fish you buy are inexperienced but everything come natural to them. They will do what they need to do. Make sure you already have the fry food hatching. Once you move the male out of the tank you will take over feeding and with new born fry you will have to feed them 4 to 5 times a day with the food that you are hatching every 2 days. You should already know that store bought dried food is not good for them and they will not survive on it. Make sure you have all the individual containers along with the individual heaters ready for the males. If you have not conditioned the breeding pair spawning will not happen. You didn't mention the sponge filter that has to be in the breeding tank but not turned on until the male is removed. You should know that you cannot clean the fry tank for at least 3 weeks. That is why the sponge filter is in the tank. If the male is not making another nest it is ok. Some will not rebuild until spawning starts.

I do not understand what you are trying to say about the new females vertical stripe. Hope this has helped and if you need any more help just let me know.