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my black moore

23 16:02:53

Do the female moores have two differnt holes one for the eggs and one for the waste, and will the female eventually give into the male fish who wants to mate even if hes smaller, and is it true that moores dont see very well, and how can i entertain my moore, and is it better to have rocks or sand on the bottom, and what does it mean if they sit on the bottom of the tank very still every once in a while?

Hi Samantha,
There is only one exit for waste and eggs. Likely, if courtship has begin between a male and female, she should eventually give in if her eggs are ripe. Black moors and other telescope eyed goldfish really don't see all that well but well enough to safely swim about their environment.

As far as for the bottom substrate. Sand or rocks are fine. One thing is goldfish -sometimes- get pieces of gravel stuck in their mouths during their natural foraging behavior so that's always a risk. Sand would prevent this problem of course. Or simply use a smaller than average grain of gravel that can easily be swallowed and passed later if the goldfish accidentally gets too carried away or just simply spit back out. Whichever substrate you have, make sure you keep it clean. Use an aquarium vacuum to siphon up all the waste and other built up organic material everytime you do a water change.

Bottom sitting is a bit concerning. And just in case, I would try to check your water quality. Either get a simple test kit for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Or take a water sample to your petstore but make sure to ask for the specific readings. Normal healthy water should be as follows-
Ammonia-0 Nitrite-0 Nitrate- 20 or less.  

A 30% water change would also be good as a precaution.

If the bottom sitting is getting worse, its possible there may be an internal problem such as swim bladder disorder which you can read about here-

Otherwise, just keep a close eye on him and good luck!!!