Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > bullying by dwarf gouramis

bullying by dwarf gouramis

23 16:50:30

Hi there ,hope you can help!
I have a 4 foot tank that has 137 litres(sorry dont know how many gallons that is!)and have two male gouramis .Recently I have noticed the larger blue one chases the smaller red fellow to the point that red has decreased in size and often hides.I would hate to lose him,should I get females,net red and feed him up for afew days or what else can I do?Is there anything that can be put in the tank that will stop this behaviour?Thanks GREG

  Your tank is 36.16 gallons. There should only be 1 male per tank because they are territorial. You can get another tank and put him in a tank at least 10 gallons or more. Yes, you should get 3 females because the male likes to chase the females (like guppies). You could also try putting one of those big corals into your tank and see if it does anything.
    Hope this helps! :)