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guppy tail

23 15:25:47

Hi! So my 3 guppies all have something wrong with their tail. One of them has a couple bites on the end of the tail, the other one has to cuts in the tail( it looks like it was cut with scissors), and the last one has a spot on its tail that is sort of transparent.All three don't nip each other and they act the same as before. What could have bit the tails. I have one angelfish, 1 female cherry barb, 4 neon tetras, 1 glowlight tetra, and the 3 guppies. I've  see none of them bother the guppies. Thank you!
         (P.S what type of shrimp good at cleaning, colorful, and easy to take care of?)

It sounds like fin rot. This usually happens because the water quality is not good. Remember to do 25% water changes every week, do not over feed the fish, and do not over stock the tank. Treat infected guppies held in the holding tank with an anti-bacterial medicine according to package directions. There are several products such as Melafix that treat anti-bacterial infections. If the fin rot is at the progressive stage, you can treat it with an antibiotic such as Tetracycline, according to package directions. It will take several days for the fin rot to clear up.

Read more: How to Treat a Guppy with Fin Rot |