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Bristlenose sitting on substrait

25 9:06:35

Lately my Bristlenose pleco has been sitting on the substrait at the bottom of the tank. Even though he does suck the glass often, is this a sign of malnutrition? I have recently bought 2 apple snails that eat algae to but i feed them veggies.

Dear Evan,
Sitting on the bottom substrate is normal behavior for Bristlenoses. Signs of malnutrition would be a sickly looking and very thin pleco. But if he is well filled out and perky, there is likely nothing wrong at all.

Just make sure to give him large slices of Zuchinni (weighted down with a rubber band fastened around a river rock or large stone several times a week supplemented as well with romain lettuce leaves and algae wafers regularly. Remember to thoroughly wash any vegetables to insure pesticides or chemical residue isn't present. Apple snails also love veggies and will share with your Bristlenose--just make sure everybody gets there fair share! Both the Applensnails and Bristlenose are big eaters! Big eaters also require very frequent water changes as well!

I really hope this helps!
Best wishes and Happy fishkeeping!