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New 5 Gallon Tank Setup

23 16:28:35


I have a new 5 gallon tank that has had the filtration system running for about 24 hours now. I am not sure what fish to add to my tank. I know that because of the size of the tank I do not want to get schooling fish, but I am a new aquarium owner and do not know much about types of fish. I want breeds that are easy to maintain, and ones that won't die too quickly on me. =) I also want to get one of the little frogs and an algae eater (I'm thinking about getting one of the smaller ones, not the spotted greenish ones that I've seen grow quickly in other peoples' tanks). I am unsure how many fish I can add if I have these already and what the best breeds would be. The guy at the pet store recommended barbs, but I'm not their biggest fan based on their short lifespan in a friend's tank. Any suggestions?

Thank you so much in advance for your help!!!


I would look at the tetra family, there are hundreds to choose from, and most are compatable with each other.
In a 5 gal tank I would put perhaps 4-6 tetras, a cory cat and an algae eater, I would get a otocinclus for the algae eater.
A dwarf frog would go as well, as long as there is a place he can crawl on to get out of the water when he wants to, ie a plant, piece of driftwood etc.
Any further questions, just ask.