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Guppy food

25 9:16:49

Tess had fry! Only two so far, but there might have been others. Laurie was behaving aggressively towards Tess so I separated them on the chance that this unusual behavior was significant.

The fry are in a separate bowl, but now I have a dilemma: No food for them! And it will take a couple of days to hatch brine shrimp. In the meantime, can I feed them ground-up flakes? Also, somebody mentioned cooked egg yolks....

Hello Janet, Congratulations on the fry! Good for Tess! ;-)

~Baby brine shrimp is good but don't worry about not having it on hand right away. Finely powdered high quality fish flake works great for new fry. You can put a couple of pinches in a plastic bag and crush it with your fingers into a fine powder. All guppy fry go for it immediately.
I honestly never went to the trouble of cooking egg yolks for fry. Basically because powdered foods and frozen foods work great and raise healthy fry to beautiful grown fish wonderfully.

Best of luck with your new fry!! I knew you would get some.
Happy fishkeeping!