Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > 36x12 aquarium

36x12 aquarium

23 16:38:48

Please let me know if this community would be compatible.

10 zebra danios
8 cherry barbs
8 Tiger barbs
8 pearl danios
2 dwarf otocinclus suckermouth

Thank you

Hi Katie
I looked up those dimensions online at this link:

And without knowing the height, I'm gonna guess your tank is a 30 gallon long.  If that's the case, I would recommend doing away with either the tiger barbs or the pearl danios.  I'd add 1 more oto cat(1 for every 10 gallons, and they love being in groups as well).  And, I'd add a couple of cory catfish to clean the bottom.

Hope that helps!
