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one month old tank- high ammonia

23 16:07:08

We recently started a new aquarium.  As the store employee suggested, we began with a few fish for 7 days, then added more. We have a 10 gallon tank w/ filter, heater, and air pump. we have a black molly, red platy, a pink fish I can't name,4 guppies, 1cory, and a small pleco.  No plans to add more.(It appears we have quite a few for our size tank.) The ammonia levels started to rise, so Idid a 25% water change, added a neutralizer,and waited. Next day they were still high, so I did a 50% water change, vaccumed, etc.  Do I need to change the water, add chemicals, and vacuum every day until the levels go down?  Will the neutralizing chemicals hurt the fish?  Can I use them every day?  The temp is hovering around 74, ph is 6.8 and ammonia is 1.0.  Also, do I leave the air pump on 24/7?

Hi Shelley:  You need to add some beneficial bacteria to the tank... Fish are a biological and chemical contribution to tank water and when you add a bunch of fish at one time... especially to a new tank... it causes the tank to start to cycle... the ammonia rises, etc.  The bacteria will help to break that cycle I would add a triple dose if it were my tank... you can not overdose on bacteria.  I would also not vacuum the tank as there is probably nothing really in there to clean... add the bacteria and do water changes and then add more bacteria.   You can leave the air pump on 24/7... make sure it isn't touching anything because they can sound like small airplanes when they start to vibrate.  dave

PS:  Bacteria can be purchased under the product name CYCLE, Nitromax, or BIO SPIRA... dave