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Gold mystery snail trouble(followup)

25 9:10:56


I shall buy an algae disk! Thankyou!

I just have a goldfish bowl, no fancy business. This is budget pet central!

I have another question for you, How often should I change the snail water?

Your help is so appreciated.


Followup To

Question -

We have chlorinated water coming out of the taps... but i figured the purifier would take care of that. Maybe I need to do something else to the water.

I am feeding them fish food. I read they also eat bits of veg sometimes. So maybe I will try some lettuce? does this sound right? Just a pinch of fish food about 3 times a week?

I have been told I really actually need to keep a fish in the bowl too to create some waste for them. So I am considering getting a fighting fish. I really want to keep it all very low maintenance, as I work 8-5 every day. Can you please tell me anything about keeping a fish, if the snails actually need it, how often I change the water etc. Also, what foods are most nutritious for the snails. Thankyou!


Followup To

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I don't know if I treated the water properly... I just put tap water through the water purifier. That is what the pet shop attendant told me to do? Should i have done anything else?

Also, how often should I be feeding them, and how much?

Thank you so much for your advice, you have given me renewed hope about my little Titian! (baby)


Followup To

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Hi there,
I recently purchased 3 gold mystery snails, two are large and one appears just to be a little baby. As the pet shop guy said, I put the water through a water purifier before I introduced them into the tank. I washed the bowl and gravel thoroughly and put a little bit of food in the tank when they were settled in.

This morning they were all sucked up into their shells. And the little baby was floating up the top -  I assume it is dead? They seemed much happier in the pet shop aquarium, and I was just wondering if you could offer me some advice on how I can make their lives happier? And have I done anything wrong?

One thing I was worried about was water temperature, it is winter here in Australia and they are in a glass bowl. Could they be feeling the cold?

I would appreciate any help please!


Answer -
I really like snails, we  have several.  I have thought my snails where dead several times in the early days of caring for them.
Sometimes it takes them a while to move about.  I have had one float for a while, then come back later and he is on the glass.  
The only snail I have had die on me never floated, his insides disolved in the shell at the bottom of the tank. (gross I know)
What kind of food?  Did you treat the water properly?  How long have you had them?
If you have not had them long, they may just be getting use to their surroundings.
Good luck, feel free to ask again.

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I don't know anything about water in Australia but in the states where I am you have to use a Chlorout, to remove the Chlorine.  I have never heard someone filtering the water as was suggested to you.
What are you feeding them?

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You can buy algae disc, that is what they need. Our big snail loves them, it is fun to see him get on top of it and eat.
If you have had the tank up more than 24 hours your water is safe now, so no futher need for treatment.  BUT, if you change the water then you should go ahead and use the chlorout.
How big is your tank?  Do you have filters?  This information will help me to help you pick a fish.  I think a betta is a GREAT choice though.  They are very low maintance and pretty.

I have not ever kept a bowl of snails, so I really don't know how often to tell you for sure.  It depends on how big the bowl, how dirtly your snails etc.
I would suggest a "standard" of 20% water changes every 2 weeks.  You may need to do more or less depending on how it looks. :)
Do you have a lid on this bowl?  I would think no lid would mean escapes!
How is the floater doing?  Is he okay now?