Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > My floating apple snails

My floating apple snails

23 16:07:18


I have 3 apple snail and two of them got stuck on the filter some how. So i gently lifted them away from it as i don't know if they were stuck as i found it hard to get them off.
When i got them of they started floating as i know this is due to trapped air.
I have tried turning them upside down but it's not working.
Is there any other way i can help them get rid of the trapped air as i have put them in a container with a bit of water as i don't like them to float around the tank.

Many thanks

The air should escape when they extend themselves from their shell... It is ok for them to float... floating is one of the ways that snails transport themselves faster.  Put a piece of zucchini in the tank with them and they should attach themselves to it.... keep me posted... dave