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white cobwebs in my tank

23 15:27:01

I'm a novice fish owner. we've had our tank since Xmas. I have a 35 gal. tank. All over the bottom of the tank is what looks like cob webs. I took a water sample to Petsmart and my water is fine.They have no idea what this is and recommended this site for an answer. I have 7 platys in the tank. They are fed in am/pm. I did a 75% water change about a month ago and ended up with new tank syndrome which lasted about 3 days. That's the only thing I can think of that is new/different.I've attached photos but they are not that clear but it will give you an idea of what it looks like. I hope you can help.

This is what's called diatoms. It's from over feeding and not doing regular water changes. Water changes are done weekly by vacuuming the gravel and removing 25% of the water replacing it with clean conditioned water. Once you start doing weekly water changes, cut down on the food, and not letting the light stay on too long, this should go away.