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fish floating upward

23 16:07:11

Hi we just changed our goldfishes water and one of them seems to be floating upward from tail up it looks as if he is fighting to keep his self down can you help us

Hi Stephanie,
Sounds like Swim bladder disorder. You can read about it here-

It is curable of course. And it may be due to injury your fish may have sustained during the water change. Perhaps water was poured in too fast and knocked the goldfish around.

However, the most common cause is food-related. Too much food at each feeding, not enough fiber, constipation, not enough variety are very common reasons. There are many others which the article addresses.

I would try fasting the fish for a day or so and then offering a shelled and mashed pea, which can help get things moving along. If this doesn't seem to help and the fish is obviously able to poo with no trouble.... Then try to continue to feed a good varied diet with plenty of fiber. Some fish naturally recover on their own. While others may have been born with a deformed swim bladder. And again, it may be bruising/injury that needs time to heal.

Best of luck and I hope all goes well!