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What temperature can neon tetras live in?

23 15:41:59

Have you ever kept neon tetras before?  If so what temperature can they live in?  What temperature do they start getting ich?  I am concerned because I unplugged my heater because its summer and getting hot.  Then it rained and the tank temperature was 73 or 74 degrees Fahrenheit and it still is 74.  Thanks.

Hi Dipan,
I keep both Neon Tetras and Cardinals.  Since they are tropical fish, I recommend temperatures about 68F-79F.  So your 73 and 74 is fine.  I also removed my heater during the summer also for my tropical fish.  Cold-water fish such as all goldfish require colder temps such as 60F-72F.  

Ich doesn't occur because of temperature ranges.  Ich is very common and it wouldn't be a surprise if it's in your tank right now laying dormant waiting for the right time to strike.  What makes a fish more susceptible to ich is stress because it lowers their immune system.  Usually in a well-maintained tank and a mature tank, ich infestations are rare.  Continue doing 15% water changes a week to prevent nitrogen build up to keep the fishes immune systems high and ich will not be a problem.  

If you do happen to have an ich infestations and do not keep any live plants, you can add aquarium salt 1tbsp/5gallon aquarium water and increase temperatures to 86-90.  Salt harms live plants causing the leaves to brown and die and are usually not the preferred way, but the plants do recover from it.  Ich cannot survive in salty enviroments and the aquarium salt (not sea salt or kitchen salt) also reduces fish stress and gives electrolytes for fish.  Now, with the heat; ich stop reproducing at 86F and die at 87F-90F.  Remember to dissolve the salt first before adding to the aquarium.  AND when doing water changes during the heat and salt treatment, replace any salt removed.  Such as if you remove 10 gallons add 2 tbsp of aquarium salt back into the tank.  

Hope I helped, let me know if you have any more question.