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bottom feeding betta

23 16:17:46

Hello, I have a new (very small) betta fish in a 10 gallon heated tank with a filter. I put five cherry shrimp in the tank a few weeks ago, and I am having trouble feeding them. When I see them on the bottom, I put a few flakes next to them, and Indy(the betta fish), will eat it all off the bottom very quickly before they can get it. I tried putting food in the java moss, but Indy climbs right in it to eat all the flakes. Could you please tell me how I might make sure the shrimp are getting some food, without overfeeding my betta? I am feeding Indy 3 pellets a
day of Atison's Betta food and Atison's Betta PRO and a few pieces of a pea once a week (along with an occasional freeze dried blood worm). Thank you for any advice you might offer.

I think the best thing you can do in this situation is to seperate the cherry shrimp from the Betta.  The only thing you could do if you want to keep them together is try to find some tablets for scavengers, bottom feeders and see if the shrimp will eat those. If they do the Betta might not go after them as they would dissolve at the bottom of the tank. I hope that helps.