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My molly!

23 15:44:44

Hi Karen,

 I have 3 white balloon mollies. I bought them day before and they had fries. Maybe upto 30... Its a large number and i am very happy. The fries and the parents are going together well....I think!
Should i remove the parents into another tank cuz i have another tank? There are lot of plants and what food should i give the fries?
Can you tell me what all fish are compatible with mollies?

Thank you

Hi Niraj,

Congratulations on the baby fish! How wonderful.

I've experienced situations before where the adults and fry live, thrive, and grow in peace together. Sounds like you have the same experience. I would leave everything as it is currently in your aquarium. They are doing fine.

Molly fry are very easy to feed. Just finely crumble or powder flake food and offer them about 2-3 small meals a day. As they gain size they will be interested in nibbling on pellets and wafers and some other meaty-type foods like worms or shrimp.

Compatible species for mollies are tetras, rasboras, danios, rainbowfish, corydoras catfish, loaches and many other reasonably peaceful species.

Best wishes!