Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > What to get?

What to get?

23 16:22:20

I just got a ten gallon aquarium for my birthday.  It has a fluorescent light, filter, air pump, heater, decorations, and live plants.  Right now, it has no fish though.  I'm looking for fish that will thrive in that community.  I don't want anything too large, or that needs more companions that I can hold in the tank.  What are the best breeds for this environment?

Hi Leah:  if you want gentle fish... guppies, platy's, molly's, swordtails, danios, any of the tetra family... these are all community fish so buy at least three of them... these are also smaller fish so you could put up to ten in your tank.  

Medium sized fish you could put maybe 4-8 in:

Semi Aggressive fish... eels, barbs, loach, shark, etc.  

I would not recommend any cichlids as they will out grow your tank pretty rapidly... let me know how this goes... dave