Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > my gold fish please answer ASAP

my gold fish please answer ASAP

23 16:20:29

I just got 10 gold fish from a pet store I brought them home and let the bag sit in the water I prepared for them the day before it was a regular 10 gal tank with regular sink water just like my beta, frog, bass,sakale,and my goldfishes tanks. After 3 hours passed I put them in the water at first they looked fine but then they started sitting at the bottom. I thought maybe they were hungry so I gave them some food but they ignored it I put a small pump in to see if that was the problem it didn't help. Then they started to dart around then slide down the side of the tank until they touched the bottom then they would sit there for a second and do it over again. I took them out when I noticed they were dying and put them back in their water that they came in ,in their baggy all except for two died. It looked like their gills weren't moving but they were still trying to swim till they just died on the bottom.What can I do to save the last two?

Hi Kali:  Fish should not stay in those plastic bags for more then one hour... they were probably oxygen deprived when they went into the water and are now in shock.  Make sure there is oxygen in the water for them to breath and then leave them alone.  They are stressed out and stress only makes fish worse.  make sure there is a bubbler for them and then just let them be... offer them food tomorrow.  It is up to them now to live or not.  dave