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Popeye? or something much worse

23 16:20:29

Hi i have an albino oscar. Ive had him for a few months now. he's about 4 inches long. About a month ago i noticed he had a growth over the top of his right eye. I thought maybe he had been biten my by convict cichlid. About a week ago i noticed the same eye began to protude from his head. Now his eye is bulging out of his head. He's got a red film almost like a film of blood that is almost covering his whole eye pupil. The top of his eye that once looked like nothing but a cute is not looking like it is starting to bust open. I am very worried for him. He is still eating pellets and he's healthy enough that he is continuing to catch feeders and eat them. His color looks normal and he seems okay. He is currently in a separate tank so that he does not contaminate my other fish. I am worried that maybe this is more than just popeye as i thought it was. any suggestions?

Hi Vanessa:  It sounds like it is a severe case of pop-eye.  I would treat it with Erythromycin for about ten days.  In Severe cases we see damage to the blood vessels which is what you have described. It is curable.  Also feeder fish do not have a high food value so make sure you are feeding him other food sources besides feeder fish... they should be considered more of an entertainment for him and not really a food.  Feeder fish are known carriers of disease too... so be cautious about what you put into your tank...  Hope this helps and please keep me posted on his progress... dave