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Gold Severm

23 16:20:28

I have a Gold severm who recently got sick. To best describe the illness it looked like a white head pimple,and around the base of "pimple" it was red and irrateted, The guy who I bought the fish from suggested using Tea tree oil first, after a couple days of the tea tree oil not working, and the "pimple" getting bigger I spoke with the guy again. He gave me E.M. or it might have been T.C., After which the Gold severum has been getting better, but has scarring, I asked the guy what it might be and he had no idea, I am curious if you have any possiblities of what it might be.

ANSWER: Hi Brian,
Was this the medication?-

Could you send me a picture at all? That will really help.

I'll do a little research on this and get back as soon as possible!

Hope the severum is doing OK. For now I'd recommend changing some of his water everyday. Its amazing what clean water can do for fish.

And is there anyway you could test your water and let me know the results for-

And what medications are you currently using?

I hope this helps!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: the Medication was Metronidazole, As for the pictures I accidently deleted it. The picture was of poor quality as well, as for the Water Results
Nitrite - 0 ppm
Ammonia - 0 ppm
PH was 7.0
The Gold Severum is doing fine as well

Hi Brian,
Thank you for the information. Seems like your water is good, although a nitrate test would be good its not critical to have. Sometimes high nitrates can cause pimples on fish. I'm not sure why. Lumps and Bumps that appear suddenly usually are caused by bacteria. The most common types of infections leading to bumps are Columnaris and Aeromonas. Bumps that are white in the center and red around the edges are caused by Columnaris bacteria. The reverse, red in the center and white around the edges are generally Aeromonas. Both of these are gram-negative bacteria and the best course of treatment is a sulfa antibiotic with trimetheprim. This is a medication that can be put in the water or mixed with food. Feeding the fish medicated food is probably your best bet for making sure it affects the medication. Romet B is recommended though I have never used it myself.

It has also been said that certain research has indicated that carbon in the filter sometimes causes this disease. Although we don't really know why. Carbon has also been blamed for causing the dreaded hole-in-the-head disease so common in oscars and other large cichlids. Again, we aren't really 100% sure why.

Of course, feeding diets high in vitamins and providing variety will help prevent most all diseases and disorders. As will the most important care requirement of fish, clean water with as low nitrates as possible.

I am not telling you to medicate your fish. Its at your own risk. I can only recommend what I know from research and experience. Every fish is special and I consider none to be expendable. I want the best for your fish but you are the one to ultimately decide whats best.

I'm glad your Gold severum is doing fine. I hope she can be rid of the pimple-like thing. Best of luck with her!