Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > sick bala

sick bala

25 9:01:24

Yeah, its a 125 gallon tank with 2 balas an albino rainbow shark and a tiger barb, i just did a water change and yeterday one of my balas developed a cloudy mucus over his eyes, i tried adding some salt and the mucus went away for a bit, but it soon came back, hes just hanging out at the top of the water with his bottom fins tucked in, any suggestions? PH is close to neutral, nitrites and ammonia check out at 0ppm.

Hi Jake;

Since the pH is okay, it sounds like either injury or a bacterial infection. Hi physical behavior indicates infection to me. Your tank is pretty big to be putting medicine into so you might want to invest in a small hospital tank to treat him if the fish isn't too big. I would treat with "Maracyn 2". It treats internal infections too in case it has also gone inside.

I hope he feels better soon.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins