Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Theres this pair of guppies and...

Theres this pair of guppies and...

23 16:53:01

QUESTION: "Guppy breeding is so easy!" Everyone says that. Well, my pair isn't breeding, I've had them for almost a year now! I know the female hasn't got a breeding issue becuase she was pregnant when I bought her and she had three frys a week later. The male is totally into her, chasing her around the tank and really wanting to mate. But they haven't breed once! Have you any ideas at all what's going on with them? Or is it something I'm doing wrong? Thank you and sorry to bother you, I am just too desperate to get some help.
ANSWER: Hi Yuka;

It's okay, you aren't bothering me. I'm here to help...

You actually just need some new fish. Her breeding days are over I'm afraid and she's just too old now. The male may even be sterile from old age too. Guppies reach sexual maturity at about 4 months and on average are only able to breed until they are about a year to 18 months or so. They were already at least 4 to 6 months old when you brought them home if you bought as sexually mature adults so there was a pretty short window of time for babies there.

There are exceptions to every rule and some have produced offspring past that, but generally about 12 to 18 months is all they get. They can live to be 2 to 5 years so you could simply put them in a tank to live out their "golden years". Then, have another tank for the new fish to have fun in. Just keep in mind that it is best for the health of your female breeders to have at least 2 females per male. Males can get pretty "amorous" and really stress those gals. Sickness, preemie delivery, dead babies and death of the females can result. Extra females helps them to rest occasionally.

Guppies also require very clean water and a good diet including green veggies and whole foods like brine shrimp to be healthy. Replace 25% of the water at least once a week to really keep them in good shape. Professional breeders of livebearing fish replace part of the water every day. That's a lot, but if you can do it you will have healthier fish and fast growing babies.  

Good luck!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your help, just one more thing to add... Umm, I noticed that my female's tummy bulge up every few days and then return to normal for a few days. The first few times I even thought she was pregnant. Is this normal for a guppy? Thank you again for helping me out!

Hi Yuka;

She may be eating more on some days than others. It's hard to say. Or, fish do get gas. Eggs may even develop and then re-absorb into her body. Many possibilities. I wouldn't worry about it as long as she seems fine otherwise.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins