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cherry platy in trouble

25 9:08:07

Hi, my cherry platy seems to be struggling to swim. Her tail seems pail. Whats wrong with her>>

Dear Nila,
I'm sorry but it's hard to know exactly without knowing how her water quality is or seeing her myself. One thing that is common with platies is what is called "Shimmying" this is where the platy sits in place as she waggles her tail back and forth in a attempt to swim but never gets anywhere. This is often a symptom of poor water quality pale coloration is also a high indicator that something is wrong with the water. The best thing and most important thing you can do now for her is a good 30% water change and gravel vacummn sometimes it's best to do 30% water changes everyday for several days to see how she improves. You must be sure to make the replacement water equal in temperature to that of your aquarium and insure it is dechlorinated with a good water conditioner like Amquel.

Whenever your fish seem sick or behave as you described. The first thing you should always do is a water change.

Feel free to let me know how your Cherry Platy is doing and if the water change helps her.

Only my very best wishes, ;-)