Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > What is a good scavenger fish for a guppy tank?

What is a good scavenger fish for a guppy tank?

23 16:14:48

Currently, I have 3 small tanks (2x 5.5gal, 1x 1gal). The small tank and one large one have guppies and guppy fry in them. The third has a Chinese Algae Eater in it. I lost about 30 fry in that tank, presumably due to the algae eater, so it is now alone.

What would be a good scavenger fish for the larger tank and what can I put in with the algae eater that will be able to stand up to it?

Hi Tracy
Corydoras catfish (cories) remain as my favorite no-trouble scavengers for almost any community tank. They won't bother other fish and most other fish leave them alone as well.

A group of 3 would be wonderful for your tank.

I hope this helps!