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Mould growth on baby goldfish

23 16:31:18

I rescued 5 baby goldfish from our garden pond and put them in a small tank in the house.  I change the water once a week using either water from the pond caught from the fountain or tap water left for 24 hours to de-chlorinate.  This morning I noticed some wooly growth surrounding some of them and am worried they may die.  I have come to see them as my 'babies'!  What is the best water to use for them and how do I get rid of this mould?  I have a pump in the tank but only use it for short periods as it is very noisy and I think the vibration could upset them.  However when I put it on they seem to behave like it 'excites' them and they enjoy it!

Hi Lynn,
Sorry to hear about the goldfish babies.

It surely sounds like they may have fungus growth. Fungus is caused by stress, handling or poor water conditions. Or often a combination.

The best thing to do is begin treatment immediately as fungus can spread quickly and if left untreated too long it can cause the loss of the affected fish. I would first do a 50% water change and make sure to vacuum the gravel thoroughly to remove any organic wastes which only encourage more fungus growth. After the water change, treat with a anti-fungus medication. I've had exceptional good luck with using Jungle Brand's Fungus Clear along with daily 50% water changes (just redose the medication) The water changes are very important, not only for relieving stress on the fish from poor water conditions that often occur with medication use but it also removes excess fungal spores. Treat for as long as the medication indicates. Make sure to use the airstone, the babies shouldn't be harmed by it and it can only do them good to have that extra oxygen going.

Fortunately goldfish are quite hardy and adaptable creatures that can thrive in many varying types of water so your regular tap water should be fine for them. Just make sure to dechlorinate it with a good water conditioner such as Amquel+ which is great because it removes ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate as well as the usual chlorine and chloramine and heavy metals. You can also use Stress coat, Amquel or Start right. Just make sure to use water conditioner everytime you change their water because although chlorine will evaporate, chloramine is extremely stable and cannot be removed from the water by just sitting out for 24 hrs. I would play it safe and use water conditioner.

I really hope this helps and best of luck with treating the baby goldies, I do hope they get better.

happy holidays!