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Filter for a 5 Gallon

23 15:57:23

Hi, I have a 5 gallon tank, what filter should I get? My old filter broke just a few hours ago. I've heard that undergravel filters are cheap, but are not very good. Can you give me your opinion on a good and reliable filter for my tank size? I have 3 Red Platy Fish, and one large mystery snail.

Thank you very much!

Hi Eric,

Yes, you are right. Undergravel filters so not provide adequate filtration, in my opinion. A small power filter would suit your aquarium. Try one of Tetra's filters, such as the Whisper 10 in-tank filter, about $14 US. It does not have too strong of an output, so it won't stress your fish. A better option would be Tetra's 10 gallon power filter, about $18 US. It provides mechanical, chemical, and biological filtration - the three necessary stages in a filter.

Another brand of filter would be the Elite filters, by Hagen Aquatic Products. You could try the small stingray filters, but those, in my opinion, are not very effective. Your best bet would be to use the Tetra Power filter.

Good Luck, and Happy Fishkeeping!