Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > salvini


23 16:19:38

I just noticed that my salvini's mouth seems to be swollen. it doesnt look like he can close his mouth. he is in a 60 gallon tank that has been set up for a few years. i have had him for about 4 years now. he does not have any gravel stuck in his muth. i can see clearly in his mouth. i just added "parasite clear". he has no other signs of infection other than his lips are swollen. what can i do and what do you think his problem is ??

Hi Virgil,
Sorry to hear about your Salvini.

Swollen mouths can be the result of fighting and lip-locking with other fish. Or when spooked fish blindly dash about the tank and ram their mouths. Or sometimes bacterial infection. If the mouth looks off-color or the skin looks irritated, I'd be worried he may have an infection.
Lip Fibromas are also possible. Angelfish get this a lot and I'm sure other fish can too.

But for now. Just keep his water as clean as you possibly can and keep a close eye on it. I don't think the parasite clear would be necessary right now. Let me know how he is doing.
