Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > fish floating in bottom of tank with head down..

fish floating in bottom of tank with head down..

23 16:37:47

hello..i hope you can help me here..i have a fish..its like a freshwater head white tail with black dots and it keeps on floating at the bottom of the tank with its head down and its breathing and opening its mouth and closing it. i dont know whats wrong with was fine this morning i just got it few days ago and its a baby..when other fish comes closer then it swims to get away from it i tried feeding it peas but it wont it sleeping or whats wrong with it. it just keeps floating on bottom ..

Hello. You fish seems to have either Gill Disease or oxygen starvation. Fish with gill disease or oxygen starvation are gasping on the bottom of the aquarium, he may have red streaks around gills, and not eating. In a more advanced stage you may notice that the fish can't fully close the operculum because of gill swelling, and there may be strands of mucus trailing from the gills. At a really advanced stage the fish will lay on the bottom with its pectoral and dorsal fins clamped to its body, waiting to die. If it is advanced treating against parasites can be hard because of the combination of excess mucus forms a secure shelter for any parasites making them very difficult to get at!

Sometimes this is caused by having too many fish, and an air pump may help. If you see it getting worse, start treating him for it. You can go to PetCo, or PetSmart, and they will give you the right things to help him. Good Luck.
