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Sick Pocostamis ( I know the spelling is wrong)

23 16:08:10

This past weekend we transported two tanks and fish from a relaive who
recently passed away and we have the tanks set up-- the question is for the
fish in the 40 gallon tank. As it stands we now only have a kissing fish and
one pacostimus (we had two) the smaller ones skin started coming off and
was red in areas like it was bit, but the skin was also coming off the fins to
where we could see the bone. We got him out of the tank and it looks like it
might be starting with the larger one in the tank. Do you know what this
might be and what we can do save this little guy.

Hi Theresa
My initial thought is it's a bacterial infection called columnaris.  It's common in freshwater fish, and has a wide variety of symptoms.  Some fish will get it in the mouth area, and it will actually eat away their mouth.  It's also usually the culprit for fin/tail rot. Red ulcers or sores is also common, and occasionally it can cause a peeling "look" to the skin.  But, there's also a parasite/protozoan infection, common in goldfish, called chillodonella that can cause the fish's skin to swell and then fall off.  But, from what you've described, I'd say it sounds more bacterial.  Here's a link with more info on it:

What I would suggest is getting some Maracyn Two from the pet store.  The makers of that antibiotic claim that it won't kill off the beneficial bacteria in the tank and filter, so the tank won't go through a mini cycle from using it.  Plus, that one med seems to be easier to find(at least my opinion anyway).  Treat both the fish in their main tank as well.  Before using it, be sure to do a good water change as well.  I would change out about 30% of the water.  

Good luck and hope that works.  Just call them a pleco(plecostomus), it's easier then trying to figure out how to spell it, I always have to look it up :)  If he doesn't do any better, you can email me at   .  Just put fish question or something like that in the subject line so I know it's not spam. I have my settings on low here because I"m not able to get online as often lately, so it may be hard to get a question in.
