Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > what kind of fish is this???????

what kind of fish is this???????

25 9:17:48

I got this 55 gallon tank off ebay and the tank came with everything including 5 pleccos ranging from 8 inches to a foot long. And 4 smaller fish. The smaller fish were 2 black skirt tetra's and a black banded leporinus and a fish that I have looked up and cannot figure out what it is. I had a 10 gallon tank with guppies and some others tetra's, etc. and all were very peaceful. Then when I put my fish in with the ones that I bought off of ebay my fish started dissapering. And I want to know which fish is eating my small peaceful fish. I have a picture of it but I see I can't put a picture on here. I would like to email it to you though if you get back to me. If I can do that thank you very much......... Kasey  

Hi Kasey;

You can go to and upload the photo to that site. It's free. Yahoo provides that service free too. You can then send me the link to your photo so I can see it.

The plecostamus will eat your little fish, so no matter what the unknown fish is the plecostamus could be the culprits. They hunt at night and may need extra food. Provide cucumber chunks, squash and green beans after the lights go out. Five is a lot for a 55 gallon. There will never be enough algae for them to feed on. They like to rasp (chew) on driftwood too. It's a serious need they just naturally have. In their original wild environment they would do that on tree roots and logs 24 hours a day.

Let me know when you get the photo up so I can take a look......

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins