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lump on fishs side

23 16:55:02

My Gourami has developed a Large lump on his side. This is not externally like a growth or cyst. This looks like he swallowed an odd shaped marble and it's getting bigger. He hasn't eatin in days and stays at the top or bottom of the tank alot. He is fading Im sure. Please help me fast!!

Hi Wendy
I've never personally seen anything like what you're describing.  Most bacterial or parasitic infections show outward symptoms, meaning something is physically able to be seen on the outside as opposed to the internal lump you're describing.  If I had to guess, I would say it sounds like a tumor.  I'm providing a link at the bottom, scroll down towards the bottom of the page, there's some pictures of different tumors.  Then further down, there's some photos of unexplained tumors and cysts.  It does say on their you can try to treat with an antibiotic-I would look for a broad spectrum/gram negative one, it may help.  But honestly I wouldn't get your hopes up if he's showing other signs and not eating.  I'll also post some links for humane ways to euthanize a fish if you chose to do that.

Sorry can't be of anymore help, and good luck with him!

You'll probably need to copy/paste to browser:
photos of tumors on fish

euthanasia links:  (the clove oil/vodka mix seems to be the most humane, hard part is finding the clove oil)
